God has been meeting His people in the waters of the baptism, resulting in spectacular miracles, divine healings, restoration, and salvations.

Pastors Todd and Karen have been serving as senior pastors at Christ Fellowship Church since 2010. Along with serving in pastoring roles for over 35 years, they are hosting the outpouring of revival fire at the North Georgia Revival that began on February 11, 2018. Pastor Todd and Karen are currently traveling all over the nation and the world and spreading revival fire wherever they minister, and are the Chancellor and President of KINEO Ministry Training Center, respectively.
Todd and Karen have two sons and two daughter in laws. Their eldest son, Ty, serves as the Media & Broadcast Director, and Hannah serves on the media team and the immersion team. Ethan, their youngest, serves as the Worship Leader, and Julie Anne serves on the immersion ministry team at the North Georgia Revival.